Blanketed in snow, the Maze offers  a whole new set of challenges.

December 31, 2006


Heading up to the "Star"

Crystalline Grass

Looking across to "Lights Out"

No bikes this day.

It's time to ski and
the snow is great!

                                      Scroll down to melt the snow.
Scroll to the right to see "Circuit City"

Scroll back to the left to continue.

Looking up and to the south at trails along the ridge in "Quack-up"

I was playing a game of Coyote and Road Runner, but I think the coyote went between trails when I wasn't looking.

Looking into "Quack-up"      Scroll to the right to see more.

                     Above "Fire-in-the-Hole"

    Heading up to the "Star"

South Peak in the Sandias in the background at the shock absorber

Looking north  "WashBoard" is in the center.

Crazing in the grass

That switchback going up to the "Hub" is a tight one on skis

Sotol trying to escape the snowy blanket

       Anybody for a game of "Fox n' Hound" on skis after the next snowfall?

Let me know.

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